However, as his listed position was support, it is counted as such. Arguably this was not a true support pentakill, as the recorded bot laner, Lodik, built a support item and he did not.Although there may have been others before it, this is the first known pentakill by a support in a competitive game. Three supports are known to have recorded pentakills, All three as Pyke.Bin (on Fiora) in game 2 of the 2020 World Championship Finals.One player has recorded a pentakill in the World Championship Finals.Ghost (on Tristana) in game 4 of the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational Finals.One player has recorded a pentakill in the Mid-Season Invitational finals.
#Pro player stats lol professional#
It is his first professional level competitive game. Hui (on Rek'Sai) in his first game in LPL.

It is also his first ever competitive game as an AD carry. West (on Jhin) in his first game in LPL.RanL (on Twitch in his first ever competitive game.Zap (on Jinx in his first ever competitive game.Virus (on Kai'Sa) in his first ever competitive game.Stark (on Kalista) in his first ever competitive game.Namei (then Devil) (on Corki) in his first ever competitive game.